19 August 1982 @ 08:14 pm
Stebbins' Wedding Reception! Open!  
They should have a wedding reception every year!

Sarah couldn't believe how much people were acting as if she had really just gotten married. They'd even said no presents, but some friends had brought things and she felt so guilty but at the same time---shh! It was all in good fun, and having a reason to dress up and dance and party was a fair trade, she liked to think! Yes, yes, she was definitely going to insist on doing something every year for their 'summer anniversary' as Sarah liked to call it. Even if it was just a trip out to the beach with Rory, there would have to be something, SOMETHING done on this day for the rest of their lives.

And on their real anniversary, of course! Wahhooo, they got two!

Her heels clipped against the dance floor as she crossed to take hold of her husband's arm, tugging him away from a group of friends because he was hers, and definitely more hers today than any other day! "I've got a surprise for you!"

She kissed his cheek before nearly pulling his arm out of its socket. Sarah led Brier to a table that was to the side of their big, yellow cake, and on top of it were four small white ones with little decorations, "Hooray Hogwarts Cakes!"
02 August 1980 @ 10:55 pm
Owl to Emmet Belby  
sent by public post )
12 January 1980 @ 11:45 pm
Urgent Owl )
13 March 1979 @ 02:16 am
Who: Clara Abbott, Marcus Edgecombe
What: Clara needs to pick something up at Joceline's, but the angry hubby is there ;[
When: Thursday (as Laurie randomly decided XD)
Rating: Er idk violence and ~language~ XD

You're the one that's ruining our bloody marriage, telling her to go off and--and see other men! )
17 January 1979 @ 09:25 pm
Who: Clara Abbott, Emmet Belby, and Marcus Belby
What: Grocery shopping
Where: ...grocer
When: BEFORE Joceline's entry xD

Oh, no, you need to have sex to have a kid )