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the only octavius o. pepper ([info]dinglealltheway) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2013-12-27 17:11:00

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New Year's Eve Masquerade! For Tuesday

Octavius believed hiring someone to organise an event for him meant they would actually organise an event for him. Unfortunately, that notion proved to be a false one when the organiser left him high and dry in the middle of the month, but Octavius persevered. With the help of himself, Mira, occasionally Lottie Sweeting, and an army of lackeys, the night of the masquerade had come together as beautifully as possible.

Lottie had, for once, actually done her job, and at either entrance of the grand foyer were attendants handing out beautifully crafted half-masks to party-goers, and collecting them as people left. The ballroom was majestic and shimmering, the music was softly thrumming, the drinks were pouring, and the mood was infectious. All in all, Octavius thought, it was a satisfactory night to end a rather satisfactory year. After the chaos and excitement that had chased him all throughout 1983, he was rather happy to have had a (comparably) quiet year.

"Can you make sure Miss Warbeck is ready to begin?" he murmured to an attendant nearby who then scurried off. The Wizarding Wireless Network had, after all, promised a wonderful surprise at midnight! Octavius needed to ensure everything went perfectly.

The flash of a nearby photographer made Octavius scowl, annoyed was he at even the few press witches and wizards who had paid handsomely to be at the charity event tonight. The publicity was good, no one could deny that, and the masks concealed everyone's identity at least marginally so there was no grievous intrusion on privacy, but that didn't mean Octavius enjoyed their presence.

He rolled up the sleeve of his dress robe to check his watch, then his eyes darted back to the stage. It was five minutes to midnight! What, for heaven's sake, was Celestina Warbeck taking so long to appear onto an already dressed stage? Shaking his head agitatedly, Octavius cut through a path through the brightly coloured bodies in the mingling crowd to check on his star performer.

OOC Read this for questions, or ask me! Fluid time, so feel free to thread before/after kisses. Again, the "compulsion" to find your kissing partner kicks in 5-10 minutes before midnight and could be anything from thinking you should walk and get some punch to being mystifyingly sexually attracted to the masked stranger at your side. HAVE FUN! GO WILD ♥ AND HAPPY NEW YEAR'S MY GORGEOUS GALS.

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2014-01-03 06:39 pm UTC (link)
He felt nervous. Or, more specifically, excited, but not in a way that Edward felt he had experienced before. Of course he'd been nervous in the past, there were many things in life, in his life specifically, that had made him nervous, but this was a different kind of feeling. It felt, and justifiably so, like the nervous kind of jolt one would get before knowingly embarking on a life changing adventure. Or, unknowingly stepping into a situation with a hint of destiny in the air. Or perhaps a little bit of both, because when it came to life, he had always felt small equal parts of a person knew and didn't know what exactly was going to happen to them next---

He was sputtering again. Blinking quickly, and shaking his head, Edward readjusted his mask so it sat properly atop his face. For not the first time tonight, he had caught himself thinking about fate, and destiny, especially concerning being on the cusp of it, but was that entirely his fault? He had been planning, for weeks now, for tonight and now that it was here, he found it hard to control his jumpy mind.

Fortunately it was almost midnight and he would not have to wait any longer.

"I would like to show you something," Edward said, shifting to face his beautiful date. Graciela, he hoped, had little idea as to how the last few minutes of this year, and the countless to come into the next, would be spent. He took one of her hands into his, and smiled faintly. Hopefully she had heard him over this crowd. "If you will let me."

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2014-01-04 01:58 am UTC (link)
Even though she could not recall how many of these lavish events she had been to over the past few years, Graciela always found herself in awe. The ballroom was spectacular, the decorations were unbelievably beautiful, and the music made the evening air feel it had blown straight from a fairytale. She was glad that she had not grown immune to the spectacle, that she was very much still humble...but was she humble if she was happy to know she was humble? Did it work like that? Graciela let out a happy breath, turning toward Edward. She gave his hand a squeeze, nodding at his request.

Being with Edward tonight completed the wonder of the evening. There was no place she would rather be than with him, and even Zacharias had shooed them off, explaining that he was going to stay up late with Lavender and set off noise makers. Graciela was thankful for Psyke to take her son for the evening (and for the dress, the woman always made sure she was taken care of). She and Edward did not need romantic evenings and grand affairs, but it was certainly nice seeing him so dressed up.

The view on the balcony he'd lead them out to was amazing and thankfully charmed to be warm, but to let the snow continue to fall around them. Ay, magic. She didn't let go of his hand while she moved to the railing, looking out at the city and the stars above them. The fireworks in the night sky would prove truly magical, and Graciela leaned over the edge slightly to see if there were any others preparing to watch the display from the roof of their homes.

"What is it that would wanted to show me?" she asked as she searched the skyline. She turned back to Edward with a smile, and she adjusted her mask with her free hand.

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2014-01-09 12:08 am UTC (link)
"I wanted---" Edward began, but then found that was not how he had planned to begin his speech. He had planned on taking Graciela up here, imagining the air to be just right after the stroke of midnight, and after sharing a meaningfully look out below for a certain amount of time he would declare to her that this world, the one they were witnessing in the New Year, was the one he wanted to experience with her for the rest of his life. They had been dating for quite a while, now, as his friends tirelessly pointed out, and living with her and Zacharias proved to be something that only made their relationship stronger. He enjoyed their life, so very much, and wanted... it felt time to...

Edward had wanted this big romantic gesture for Graciela, for he believed she deserved nothing less than a story-like proposal, but now that he found himself here, at the cusp of it all, it felt like all this idle plans and whimsy ideas weren't good enough. Realistic enough? Edward knew that he spent his profession, most of his life, wandering through in an alternative reality and that had never really bothered him because reality had always been much more difficult to deal with. But now...

His smile faltered, but only slightly enough that Edward smiled down at the ground. He had taken Graciela's hands into his own, and now held onto them tightly.

"I had wanted," he began again, deciding that above all, the truth had always been something that resolved beautifully between them. "To come up here with you, and relate what you mean to me through this beautiful view. And that, to me, this new face of the new year is one that I don't want to spend without you." Edward looked up at his girlfriend how, an ironically apologetic look on his face.

"But now, I am realizing that a proposal like that is not... it is not right. Too much pomp, and show. There shouldn't be a big metaphor for how I feel about you because it is the purest, most unadulterated..." Edward looked away for a moment, glancing out at the view around them. He took in a deep breath. "Will you be able to forgive me?"

When she looked at him, understandably a bit confused for half of what he had just said had been murmured under his breath. Edward shook his head, slightly, and then sought to speak up now, for even through his next words' intended simplicity, Graciela would have to be able to hear them at the very least.

"I would like to get married. Will you marry me? I want to go into nineteen eighty-five knowing, or not... that we will be getting married."

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2014-01-09 02:56 am UTC (link)
He was always sweet. Even when they disagreed, as rarely as they did, it was hard to remain mad at Edward because he was always sweet and honest about his feelings. Graciela trusted his opinions, he made her wonder thoughts and theories that she would never have come up with on her own. She enjoyed listening to him speak, because sometimes Edward went on tangents that turned into these wonderful musings that Graciela held close to her heart and cherished.

She'd watched him with an adoring smile as he began to explain himself, glad to hear that he had wanted to make this evening even more magical than it already was. It was lovely to hear him voice his feelings for her, which he never hid, and she took a step closer to tell him that he didn't have to worry, she would be there, but then--

Graciela blinked, smile dropping because her entire body had gone slack with shock. Proposal? He had said...proposal. She felt heavy and light at the same time, like her body was being crushed by the enormity of his words, but she was still ready to float off, filled with joy. He had said proposal. A murmured, soft, thought of a proposal. And an apology? Why was he apologizing? All she'd wanted for what felt like an eternity was to be with Edward, to be his wife, to make him and Zacharias officially a family, to...to...simply be, with him, with only him, with forever him.

Graciela's smile reached her teary eyes as she broke out of her stunned state. She tightened her hold on his hands and nodded unsure if her voice could work. She nodded vigorously, bringing his hands to her lips to kiss his knuckles.

"Yes," she said quickly, breathless from just that simple, but not so simple, word. "Of course Edward, sim, Edward! Do not apologize, of course I will marry you!"

Nineteen eight-five was going to be magnificent.

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2014-01-09 04:21 am UTC (link)
His cheeks turned pink with relief, and a feeble smile crept onto his lips. Sim? Yes, nothing had sounded sweeter than sim to his ears. Edward took in a deep breath, ready accept her acceptance, begin the New Year right when--

"Wait!" he realized, all of the sudden mortified. He had all but forgotten about the very important piece of jewelry nestled in his cloak pocket, the box that had been sitting in the bottom drawer of his desk for almost a year now. Edward had never forgotten it was there, waiting, but had simply thought it important to only reveal when the timing was right. And, now, the opportune time had come and went! After it had been waiting for so long...

He unfurled his hands from Graciela's, quickly pulling apart his cloak until he found what he was looking for. The box in his pocket. Opening it carefully, he showed it to Graciela with proud significance.

After a moment, he spoke quietly. "Derek said he liked it," Edward nodded, face still flushed but in the happiest of ways. Actually, Derek had said this ring looked the best jammed on his own pinky finger, and by the power vested in all Hufflepuffs, that meant that not only would it look good on Graciela too, but she would love it. Edward hadn't quite understood his friend's logic, from from what he could determine, that meant it was peer approved.

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2014-01-10 11:25 pm UTC (link)
There was a strange sound that came out of her throat, she could not decipher it. Graciela stared at the ring in an awe that was filled with surprise, adoration, and disbelief. This, this beautiful piece of jewelry was for her? This Derek Dobbs approved ring was for her! Edward had chosen it to signify his desire to be her husband, for her to be his wife. Her head was spinning, completely and utterly dumbstruck.

She had wondered...in her long days writing, thinking, musing, she had wondered if there would be some form of guilt surrounding this moment. Graciela had already once promised before God that she would be with one man for the rest of her life, to have and to hold, but she had desperately desired to marry Edward and get their lives truly started. Thankfully, she thanked God and his mysterious ways, there was not an inch of guilt inching its way into her current feelings. She was too filled with absolute bliss that nothing could ruin this moment. Whatever paths she had walked before had led her to here, to Edward.

Graciela let out a shaking breath as he put the ring on her finger, waiting until it was securely in place before throwing her arms around Edward to kiss and hold him fiercely.

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