Stoic, and cold, Caradoc slipped through the front doors of Evan Rosier's abandoned home. The location was not ideal, he realized, but with the amount of shit Evan was no doubt cursing his every move with, one more drop in the cauldron really couldn't matter. Evan was going to kill him in the afterlife regardless of whether he kept an unconscious Derek Dobbs in his former home or not, so he might as well use the opportunity that was there while a different plane separated him from his deceased, and previous, best friend.
As usual, he mindfully inched around the piano at the end of the hallway, not needing much of an indication of its presence. Its existence, while not deafening, only reminded him of the past, and set in this run-down setting, very much felt like a powerful symbol begging to be addressed, and noticed.
Caradoc closed his left eye to block the instrument out of view.
Keeping his head down, he glided through the rest of the home until making it to the back, into a room where all those nights ago he'd dropped Derek Dobb's body. It laid like it always had, a bit disheveled and uncomfortably calm. Or, well--- Caradoc looked down at his timepiece. Shouldn't be calm anymore, should be turning more lively right about now. Feeling annoyed (must Dobbs always be this unhelpful?), he stepped closer.
"Wake up."
Caradoc kicked the bedpost, and the bed rattled in such a way that it made him seriously question the frame's structural integrity. Perhaps he should have cared more about Derek's accommodations, per his last promise to Rachel, but he really couldn't be bothered to do more than he already had. Dobbs was lucky to not be slumped on the ground in a corner.
He kicked the bed frame again.
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