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α м ([info]mattias) wrote in [info]valesco,
@ 2012-11-28 20:31:00

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Entry tags:adrian mattias, arista sykes, galvin gudgeon, group, howell williams, magnolia mattias, michal conway lynch, noah boot, nora peakes, octavius pepper, odette boot, rose knightley, saoirse mullet, seth wadcock, thomas mccormack


It had been a long journey, but he and Maggie had finally, finally arrived here, where they could share their relationship with world. Celebrate it! With their family and friends (the most dramatic of which Adrian had made sure would be on their best behavior tonight through some light verbal assaulting), whom Adrian was more than willing to extend his happiness to. And it was, it was such a deep joy that he couldn't--- even though they had been married for months, tonight made it feel... official, like there could no longer be any question that they were Adrian and Maggie Mattias, with their two beautiful children and their beautiful life---

Adrian cut off his own thoughts, thinking that they would only lead to a less put together version of himself. Instead, he simply let his thoughts roll to how this was an excellent way to kick off what would unquestionably be the most hectic two months of his (and Maggie's) life. But in a good way, it made him content to think that... they would need to sit down and figure out their schedules to ensure seeing each other, staying together as a close family because in the end, if that wasn't important, then what really was? Working through and with the sport they individually loved, spending the holidays together... he had no doubt he and Maggie would work it out effortlessly.

And, just in case, it was a good thing they had spectacular sex to smooth any rough patches over.

His lips pressed into something of a grin, and letting his cheekiness take over him, Adrian reached over in his seat to graze his hand slowly up Maggie's leg. Dinner had just ended, and it was getting late enough that the lights that had been set up for hours were finally starting to create nothing short of a stunning atmosphere. Their guests could enjoy it, but he had all the beauty he needed right here.

"Are you enjoying yourself?" It was a serious question completely lost in his proud smile and light-mannered tone. Adrian leaned over to lightly kiss the side of Maggie's neck.

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2012-11-29 10:56 am UTC (link)
Maggie and her family had gone through a lot this year, admittedly most if it was her own fault and doing, but she felt content in where they had ended up. A year ago, they were planning a wedding that would never happen, but even with the tumultuous few months that followed, she and Adrian had managed to move past mistakes that had been made and come to the realization that all they really wanted, or needed, was each other. Maggie couldn't deny that some nights, when her thoughts kept her up late into the morning, that she feared she may not live up to the expectations of her husband or children. She worried constantly about making another grave mistake, but right now as she dreamily gazed over how beautiful their garden reception was, with the soft glowing light of the sky illuminating every centerpiece, table, and guest, Maggie found it in herself to believe that yes, they really were meant to be happy.

Her eyes shut at Adrian's initial touch, her hand grasping his under the table the moment his lips touched her neck. With how rocky and strange of a foundation they had formed their relationship over, it was truly a miracle that they were here today. It had taken a lot of persuasion on Adrian's part to make the event as big as it was, but Maggie was grateful of it now. A wedding on a beach in Portugal was private and intimate, just for them, but a lavish event like this to proclaim your love how and terribly thrilled you were to be married to this person? Maggie found herself speechless for most of the night, unable to convey how it truly made her feel to know that someone, that Adrian loved her this much.

"Yes," she murmured, turning to press her forehead against his. The evening had been so splendid so far that they could sit like this for the rest of the night and she would be fine with that. Maggie let out a shuddering breath. "Thank you for this."

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2012-11-30 02:36 am UTC (link)
His brow furrowed, as he felt that she didn't seem... happy. Well, no, not not happy, because she was but not in the manner that he had hoped? If that made sense. When Adrian had thought about what this night would be, he had imagined her... beaming, ecstatic, because this was what they needed. And deserved! The first time around... that had not been... here, now, was how it should always be thought of when they looked back upon the beginning of their marriage.

Adrian closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the connection of their foreheads meeting. There would be no thoughts of their almost coming together in January, he firmly decided upon that. It was in the past, they had moved on and worked past it together.... he knew she knew that.

Didn't she? Was that what was concerning her? How tonight was such an obvious throwback? Had all of this been too much? Was it too lavish? They, after all, he had come to realize, were not actually as attention-seeking, grande, and larger-than-life as their media personas made them out to be. They were actually incredibly pleasant homebodies with incredible talent and looks, if he didn't say so himself. So was that....?

Adrian's brow furrowed further, and he brought Maggie's hand up to his lips to gently kiss it. "Are you sure?" he asked seriously, turning more of his body to properly face her. If she wanted to leave, they could leave. He wouldn't even have to think about it for a second because if there was anyone here with that power, it was certainly them.

"If it's too much...." he trailed off, shaking his head lightly. Adrian was sure she would understand what he was implying.

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2012-12-01 12:16 am UTC (link)
Maggie shook her head, smiling at his concern. Her knuckles grazed against Adrian's cheek softly, "It's perfect."

Her eyes went in and out of focus as she kept her gaze with him. Maggie could honestly say that that this kind of love, the love that made her entire body ache for Adrian when he wasn't around, was something she'd never felt, or thought she could feel. She'd always scoffed at the girls who were lovesick in Hogwarts and her relationships outside of school never lasted more than a few months before tempers flared or she grew weary of the effort needed. Her time with Adrian had begun with a ruse, but it had developed into something Maggie had never known she wanted so badly in her life.

"I'm overwhelmed," she admitted, eyes watering. There had been a time when all she wanted out of life was to be the center of attention, but Maggie found she was perfectly fine with being ignored by their large group of guests as long as she was with Adrian. He'd stayed by her through her darkest hours, and she'd never give him up again. "All of this it---I keep thinking about how much I love you, Adrian, and---"

She let out a soft laugh, shaking her head, "I love you so much it startles me sometimes." Maggie felt her face heat up, her lips twisting into a shy smile. He had changed her for the better, so much for the better.

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2012-12-05 03:42 am UTC (link)
The sides of his mouth perked into a smile, and Adrian felt his previous worries wash away. Overwhelmed was okay, overwhelmed was something he could deal with. He was sure he would have felt the same way, if he hadn't been so adamantly involved in making sure all of this was for her. It was a lot, taking into consideration everything they had gone through to get here. But, that still didn't change his desire to see his wife happy only.

Adrian inched forward in his seat, balancing on the edge to press closer to her still. Love? Love was making her feel emotional? He shook his head slightly. His beautiful wife couldn't be crying because she loved him too much. Tears were for sadness, and tonight was anything but about that.

His arm lifted to allow his hand cup the side of her face. Taking his thumb, Adrian brushed it lightly under her eyes to wipe away her swelling tears. Smiling at her a little, he spoke quietly, head tilting slightly.

"You can't possibly love me more than I love you," Adrian nodded as he spoke, his words so easily coming out of his mouth because it was truly how he felt. Raising his other hand, he gently held both sides of her face to rest a sound kiss on her lips.

"Don't feel more overwhelmed now," he rushed, pulling back slightly to rest his forehead on hers again. Only after did he realize how his words might overcome her even more.

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