Entry tags: | !open thread, ♣ character: abbie watkins, ♣ character: alyssa flynn, ♣ character: ana depaolo, ♣ character: ashleigh barton, ♣ character: chandler fitzpatrick, ♣ character: dari davison, ♣ character: ed mcmillan, ♣ character: gage wyzisky, ♣ character: grayson taylor, ♣ character: james turner, ♣ character: jeremy pitt, ♣ character: kris forrester, ♣ character: libby andrews, ♣ character: mark walker, ♣ character: melia ridley, ♣ character: melly sullivan, ♣ character: ollie wendell, ♣ character: ryan johnson, ♣ character: sammie wendell, ♣ character: tiffany hartman, ♥ player: cindy, ♥ player: crystal, ♥ player: lena, ♥ player: myk |
Who: Dari Davison, Jeremy Pitt and.. the whole school?
What: Pool Party! IC/OOC Thread.
Where: Jeremy's house.
When: Starting on Friday December 31 and ending January 3rd.
Rating: Let's assume threads could get to R if anyone does them. Lol.
Status: OPEN//post your IC threads and/or post who came and what happened.
As stated in Jeremy's post, there is a heated pool and a hot tub. The house is HUGE. It's very obviously a rich person's house. Dari's house is right next door so if any of the girls need to borrow any kind of girl things, that'll be easily doable. It's Dari and Jeremy, so there will be plenty of food and plenty of alcohol available. Knowing Dari, there will be lots of desserts and breakfast foods. Not that Jeremy has a habit of spoiling her and giving in to whatever she wants or anything
Since the party spans several days, please mention if your characters stayed for the duration or if not, which day(s) they were there for.
The party itself technically goes until January 3rd, but if you'll look at the events calendar, you'll see that classes resume on January 2nd. Soooo, either your kids will have to miss school (bummer, I know) to stay the whole time or they would be there before/after classes.
And if anyone wants threads with any of mine, please let me know. :)
The spin-the-bottle thread can be found HERE.
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