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ollie wendell ([info]ollieoxenfree) wrote in [info]themouserace,
@ 2012-01-21 22:46:00

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Entry tags:♣ character: abbie watkins, ♣ character: alyssa flynn, ♣ character: ana depaolo, ♣ character: ashleigh barton, ♣ character: benjy kane, ♣ character: chandler fitzpatrick, ♣ character: dari davison, ♣ character: ed mcmillan, ♣ character: gage wyzisky, ♣ character: grayson taylor, ♣ character: james turner, ♣ character: jamie johnson, ♣ character: jeremy pitt, ♣ character: josh roberts, ♣ character: kris forrester, ♣ character: libby andrews, ♣ character: maggie holland, ♣ character: mark walker, ♣ character: melia ridley, ♣ character: melly sullivan, ♣ character: ollie wendell, ♣ character: ryan johnson, ♣ character: sage greene, ♣ character: sammie wendell, ♣ character: tiffany hartman, ♥ player: betta, ♥ player: cindy, ♥ player: crystal, ♥ player: lena

Who: Ollie & Sammie Wendell to EVERYONE!
What: Invitation to Melia's SURPRISE Birthday Party!
When: Scanned and emailed to everyone on Saturday June 21st
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

ooc note: pretend also that Sammie and Ollie's address is printed on there under where. Feel free to have your characters react to the invite in their journals, etc, but remember it's a SURPRISE party, so they should try to remember to block Melia from reading any updates about the party!

Any questions, just ask Lena or Cindy!

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