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mouseracemods ([info]mouseracemods) wrote in [info]themouserace,
@ 2012-01-01 09:54:00

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PROM 2011!
Who: Juniors and Seniors + their dates!
What: 2011 Junior/Senior Prom!
Where: some fancy hotel ballroom in Chicago
When: Saturday May 31st, 2011
Rating: Label your threads if it goes past PG, please!
Status: GROUP THREAD/OOC DISCUSSION. Comment to the appropriate thread(s). Make sure to include the characters involved (and whether it's open) in your subject line. Also include a rating if you expect it to go past PG.

Lazy mod is too lazy to come up with a theme and pictures. It's prom-y.

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Re: After the Dance.
2012-01-12 02:45 am UTC (link)
Despite Ashleigh's assurance that she was ready when he was, Ed didn't let go of her for several more moments. He loved the feel of her in his arms and he was loathe to give up that feeling, even for just a few minutes.

Before long, though, the song was ending and he was smirking once more. "Shall we, baby?" he murmured as his hand slipped into hers. Knowing he had her approval, he began to lead her off of the dance floor.

Their progress was somewhat impeded by the fact that he had to stop and kiss her every few seconds, but they eventually made it up to the room Ed had reserved. He smirked as he pushed the door open and gestured for her to precede him into the room. Once she did, she would see the floor covered with a path of rose petals that led to the king-size bed. Candles burned all around the room, strategically placed to give the room a soft, romantic glow.

Maybe he was being overconfident, but he was sure his girlfriend would appreciate the extra little bit of effort he'd gone through to make the evening memorable.

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Re: After the Dance.
2012-01-12 03:46 am UTC (link)
Ashleigh was definitely looking forward to spending a little time alone with her boyfriend, but she was in no rush to pull out of his embrace. She was having a great time, after all, and was loathe for that to come to an end.

Her face, neck and shoulders warmed with a blush when he finally lead her off the dance floor. She wondered if her classmates, the ones that hadn't already slipped off, knew where they were going... what they were going to be doing. In the end, though, she decided that it didn't matter... that nothing mattered as long as she was with him.

It took a small eternity for them to make their way to the hotel room that he had reserved for them. Not that she noticed. She was quite distracted by the embraces they shared during that time.

When they finally reached the room, she entered a few steps ahead of him. An expression of shock moved over her features when she took note of the candles and rose petals. She definitely appreciated the effort he'd put in to making this evening memorable.

"It's beautiful, Ed," she told him as she turned and pressed her lips gently to his.

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2012-01-12 03:52 am UTC (link)
"You're beautiful," he corrected in a husky whisper as he returned the kiss. His arms slid smoothly around her frame as his lips pulled tenderly at hers. This came as naturally as breathing did to Ed and he thought nothing of deepening the embrace as he kicked the door closed with his foot. It locked automatically as it latched, not that he was paying attention to that.

Ed kept his lips pressed to his girlfriend's for several long moments before he pulled back again. His hand brushed lovingly over her cheek as his forehead rested against hers while he took a moment to catch his breath.

"I love you," he breathed. He'd said the words hundreds of times by now, but he'd yet to grow tired of telling her how he felt. Even those words didn't seem to be enough to describe just how much she really meant to him.

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2012-01-14 09:34 am UTC (link)
Like last time, her entire face lit up when he told her that she was beautiful. He'd probably saidthose exact same words a million times since they'd started dating, but she wasn't tired of hearing it. She didn't think that she would ever tire of hearing that he thought she was beautiful... not when she'd fantasized about it for so very long.

She had intended to merely brush her lips over his, but she wasn't about to complain when he held her close and deepened the embrace. A soft hum of approval built within his chest when his arms wrapped around her frame, and she melted into him.

There was a silly little smile on her face when he pulled back and rested their foreheads together. The expression on her face brightened even further when he told her that he loved her, and she hastened to return the sentiment.

"I love you, too. So much."

That was another thing that she would never get tired of hearing.

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2012-01-14 02:04 pm UTC (link)
It was a good thing Ashleigh didn't think she'd ever get tired of hearing him say those words, because Ed didn't think he would ever get tired of saying them. It may have taken him some time to figure it out, but he was completely in love with the girl in his arms and he happened to truly think she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen.

A large smile spread over his lips when she returned his words and a moment later he was pulling her into another deep, loving kiss. Kissing Ashleigh was another thing he could never get tired of.

As the kiss deepened a little more, Ed's hands started to wander and there was a mischievous smirk on his face when he pulled his lips from hers again.

"I believe you said something about getting me out of this tux, Miss Barton," he teased softly before dipping his head to plant a series of heated kisses along the line of her jaw as his hand teased at the zipper that held her dress in place.

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2012-01-30 04:01 am UTC (link)
She wrapped her arms tightly around his shoulders when he urged her into a deep, loving kiss. A soft hum of approval built in the back of her throat, and she tangled her fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck. The embrace seemed to deepen on its own, and she melted into it without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Mmmmm... I did..." she breathed. "And I believe you said something about getting me out of this dress..."

Her head tilted to the side when he began to work his lips along the line of her jaw. She could feel his fingers hovering over the closure of her dress, but she didn't do anything to discourage him. In fact, she shifted and pressed her lips to the tender spot of flesh just under his ear.

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2012-01-30 01:45 pm UTC (link)
"Yes, ma'am, I did," he purred. Ed smirked and started to tug gently at her zipper. He really needed no further encouragement than those words.

He groaned softly as her lips over of his skin. His own lips falter, but only slightly as she hit a particularly sensitive spot of flesh just below his ear.

"Mmmm... Ash.. so good," he murmured.

His lips resumed their work on her neck a moment later as he pushed the dress from her frame. She had looked absolutely amazing in it, but he couldn't help smirking as it fell to the floor.

"So very sexy," he murmured approvingly as his head dipped lower and he started to kiss his way down to her chest.

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2012-01-31 03:57 am UTC (link)
Ashleigh and Ed had known one another for a very long time, but there was something about his southern accent that never failed to send a shiver down her spine... especially when he was purring things like yes, ma'am.

When he groaned his approval, she paused to nip and suck at that tender spot of flesh. They hadn't been doing this for too terribly long, but she liked to think that she was getting better at reading his reactions.

Her skin covered in goosebumps when he pushed the dress from her frame, and her fingertips tightened on his shoulders. She wanted to help him out of his suit, but it was hard to think when he was kissing over her flesh the way that he was.

"Mmmm," she hummed, her back arching slightly as she pushed his coat off of his shoulders.

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2012-01-31 10:44 am UTC (link)
If Ed knew just how affected Ashleigh was by his accent, he'd be sure to make use of it more often. It had faded slightly since his move to Chicago, but there were moments when it became slightly more pronounced. He would definitely be glad to make that a more frequent thing, though.

He smirked as she pushed the coat from his shoulders. Ed was still wearing a lot more clothing than she was, but to be fair, it had been much easier to dispose of her dress. He was wearing just a little more than she had been, after all.

He grinned at the way her back arched and, encouraged, spent a little more time kissing over that particular bit of flesh. Ed's fingers pulled gently at her back, urging her closer to him as he worked and as a part of him remembered there was a bed somewhere in this room, he started to slowly guide them in that direction.

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2012-02-01 03:35 am UTC (link)
As far as Ashleigh was concerned, Ed was wearing far too much clothing. Fortunately, it was a problem that she was slowly solving.

Once his coat had fallen off of his shoulders, she pushed it down his arms and onto the floor. It took her a moment to work the clasp that held his tie in place, but it soon joined the other garments at their feet. Seconds later, his vest followed.

"Mmmm.. so very sexy," she breathed as she took a moment to run her hands over his chest and shoulders.

A heartbeat later, she began to work through the buttons that held his shirt in place. With the way that he was kissing and touching her, it was difficult to focus on what she was doing, but she managed well enough. Until he began to guide them toward the bed, that is.

"Love you," she murmured as she brought her lips back to his.

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2012-02-01 12:21 pm UTC (link)
It went without saying, but Ed enjoyed letting Ashleigh undress him. He could have sped this process up by helping, but he wasn't in any real rush and he kind of enjoyed the way she was slowly removing his tuxedo, one piece at a time.

He grinned at her again as her hands moved over his chest and shoulders. His own hands traveled over her curved and he pulled his lips from her chest so that he could brush a tender kiss over her lips.

A moment later, her words brought an even larger grin to his face. No matter how many times she said it, he could never grow tired of hearing that she loved him.

"I love you, Ash," he breathed once he'd returned the kiss she pressed to his lips. "So very much." Rather than searching for the words to describe how he felt about her, Ed pressed his lips to hers once more, urging her into a deep kiss.

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2012-02-02 10:09 am UTC (link)
Having worked through the line of buttons on his shirt, she pushed the garment over his shoulders and allowed it to fall to the floor. Her lips pressed lightly to the newly exposed flesh, and her attempts to disrobe him paused as she focused on kissing over his collarbones. His hands moved over her curves, drawing her closer, and a soft hum of approval built within her chest.


Her arms wrapped around his shoulders when he urged her into another deep kiss, and her fingernails trailed lightly over his flesh. She'd been looking forward to this since she'd first laid eyes on him, but that didn't mean she was in any rush. They had all night, after all, and she wanted to savor every minute of this.

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2012-02-03 01:37 am UTC (link)
Ed groaned his approval as Ashleigh's lips pressed to his skin. It was such a simple gesture, but it felt incredible. Everything she did felt that way, though.

"Mmmm, Ash," he breathed as his hands tangled in her hair. He dipped his head to trail his own heated kisses over her shoulders and he continued to murmur words of encouragement against her skin.

Like Ashleigh, Ed was in now real rush. They had all night and he intended to savor every moment of the time they had alone together.

"Feels so good, baby," he purred as his lips trailed inward, making their way across her collar to nip and suck at the base of her throat.

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2012-02-04 11:30 pm UTC (link)
Ashleigh and Ed had never made love, but they had done so much else that she was completely comfortable with his naked body.

Her fingertips pulled over his shoulders and down his back as another soft hum of approval built within the back of her throat. His words were beyond encouraging, and a moment later, she allowed her hands to moved around his frame and work the closure of his pants.

"I want you," she breathed as he began to suck at her flesh.

Once she was able, she pushed the material over his hips. They were close enough to the bed, then, that she had no trouble guiding them onto it. She made absolutely certain that their bodies remained close together, though.

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2012-02-05 12:23 am UTC (link)
"Guh. I want you," Ed echoed. His voice was low, husky with desire as his lips nipped and sucked at her flesh. They hadn't had sex, yet, but they'd done other things more times than he could count. Saying those words came as naturally as breathing did and he groaned loudly as she pushed his trousers over his hips. The pants had been loose enough when he'd first put them on earlier that day, but they'd grown decidedly less comfortable in the past several minutes.

He kept her body close to his as they maneuvered onto the bed and once they were settled, he pulled her into another deep kiss. Ed's groans were muffled by the mouth that was crushed so sweetly to his as his hands roamed freely over her curves.

"So beautiful, so sexy," he chanted against her lips as they kissed. His words would hardly be intelligible, but he didn't care. He said them, anyway, as his hands and lips worked to show her how much he meant them. How after months of doing this, he still couldn't seem to get enough of it. Of her.

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2012-02-05 04:49 am UTC (link)
A shiver ran down her spine when he returned her words of desire. It wasn't the first time he'd uttered those words, but it was something that she never got tired of hearing... especially when he said them in that tone.

"Love you..." she murmured.

Her arms wrapped tightly around his frame when he urged her into another deep kiss. A soft hum of approval instantly built within her chest, and she arched her back to bring their bodies even closer together.

Feeling his arousal against her thighs, she reached betweened them and stroked over him through his boxers. It probably went without saying, but she wasn't remotely tired of this. She wanted him just as much as she'd wanted him the first night they'd kissed... more, actually.

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2012-02-05 02:08 pm UTC (link)
No matter how many times she told him she loved him, Ed's heart always raced a little bit faster when she said those words. He grinned against her lips as he returned the words, an unintelligible mumble as his mouth pulled hungrily at hers.

His hands roamed freely over her curved, caressing her sides, her bottom, her breasts. Every inch of her was perfect and it was as though he couldn't decide which part of her he most wanted to touch.

"Guh.. Ash.. fuck," he groaned when her hand stroked over him. There was a thin layer of material between her hand and his erection, but that didn't keep it from feeling impossibly good. If it was possible, his lips started to pull at hers with even more fervor and his hips rolled automatically toward her hand.

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2012-02-06 04:10 am UTC (link)
She arched into him when his hands moved gently over her curves. He knew exactly where to touch her... where to kiss her, and though he seemed indecisive at the moment, he was hovering in all the right places.

"Mmmm, Ed," she breathed against his lips.

Encouraged by his reaction to her touch, she slipped her hand into his boxers. The palm of her hand teased over his tender flesh for a moment before she finally closed her fingers around him. She'd done this enough times that she wasn't remotely self-conscious. She knew what he liked, and she used that to her advantage as she began to stroke him.

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2012-02-06 04:28 am UTC (link)
A litany of curses burst from Ed's lips as Ashleigh's hand closed around him.

"Fuck.. guh.. Ash.. fuck.." He groaned loudly with every stroke, his hips rolling towards her automatically. She felt impossibly good. It was all he could do to remember to keep his own hands roaming over her frame.

"Guh.. fuck, Ash." His hands and lips pulled at her as she worked, his grip tightening as she brought him closer and closer to the proverbial edge.

"Guh.. fuck baby.. love you so much."

He was hardly aware of the things he was saying, but who could blame him? It was hard to focus on anything but how fucking amazing she was making him feel.

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2012-02-06 04:45 am UTC (link)
The corner of her mouth pulled into a smirk when he responded so strongly to her touch. She had know that he would, but there was something incredibly arousing about witnessing his reactions.

"You're so sexy, baby," she told him.

As soon as the words left her mouth, she pressed her lips to the side of his neck. Her hand continued to work him over as she began to nip and suck at an especially tender spot of flesh. With the way he was responding, she should've known that she was quickly pushing him to a release, but she wasn't exactly concerned. That was the point, after all. She wanted to make him feel good.

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2012-02-06 01:45 pm UTC (link)
It hadn't been that long since they had done this, but that didn't keep it from feeling unbelievably good. Each time they came together like this, it only got better. Everything else disappeared when they were wrapped up in one another. All that mattered was her, this, them.

"Oh, God, Ash... Oh, fuck... GUH.." He continued to groan and curse under her ministrations. She knew just where to kiss him and just how to touch him and each strike of her hand brought him closer and closer to his climax.

"Oh my.. guh.. Baby, I'm gonna...." Before he could even finish his sentence, he was spilling over into her hand, groaning a long, unintelligible stream of obscenities as he came.

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2012-02-07 02:37 am UTC (link)
Ashleigh nipped and sucked at the tender spot of flesh just under his right ear. She knew that she would probably leave a mark, but that didn't discourage her in anyway. She liked knowing that her mark marred his flesh, after all. For that matter, she liked being marked as his... As long as her father couldn't see it.

Her hand tightened around him when his reactions intensified. She could tell that he was nearing his release, and it encourages her. She liked giving him pleasure, after all, and she was anxious to feel him spill into her hand.

"Love you," she breathed as he began to babble and curse. "Love you so much."

A heartbeat later, he climaxed, and she pressed her lips to his in slow, deep kiss. That never got old. She never got tired of doing that for him.

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2012-02-07 02:46 am UTC (link)
Ed was happy to return the kiss Ashleigh pressed to his lips, even if his motions were a little mechanical at first. Once he was more recovered from the orgasm that had washed over him, though, he was eager to deepen the embrace.

He rolled them effortlessly without breaking the kiss and his hands resumed their wanderings. A moment later, though, he was pulling his lips from hers. He presse heated kisses over her jaw and neck, worked down to her collarbones and then her chest. Ed continued to kiss his way down her body as one of his hands moved slowly up the inside of her thigh.

"So sexy. So perfect," he murmured.

A moment later, his hands were working to push he panties over her hips as his mouth worked still lower.

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2012-02-07 03:30 am UTC (link)
Ashleigh was in no rush. She knew that it was going to take a few moments for him to recover, and she was more than happy to kiss him during that time.

A soft hum of approval built within her chest when he reversed their positions, but that was nothing when compared to the moan that he pulled from her when his lips and hands began to move over her body.

"Guh, Ed," she breathed as she lifted her hips in an effort to aid him in the removal of her panties. "Mmm."

They'd done this enough times that she knew what was coming, and it was an understatement to say that she was looking forward to it.

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2012-02-07 03:39 am UTC (link)
Ed grinned at the way she moaned for him. His lips curved against her skin, though he didn't pause in the trail of kisses he was leaving as he worked towards his goal.

While his lips kissed their way through the valley between her breasts and a calloused thumb brushed over her nipple, his other hand slipped between her thighs to stroke over her sex.

"Mmm, baby, you're wet," he murmured. There was a slight teasing edge to his tone and he smirked against her skin. He had known she would be, of course, but it always thrilled him to find her so ready for him.

A few strokes later, he was slipping a finger inside her depths and he let out a groan at the heat that surrounded that digit. She was so hot, so tight. She always was, but he was somehow always amazed by how good she felt. He could just imagine how it would feel to bury himself in that heat.

"Guh, Ash... So tight.. So hot... So perfect..."

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Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]girlnextdoor, 2012-02-07 03:55 am UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]likeatree, 2012-02-07 04:06 am UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]girlnextdoor, 2012-02-07 09:33 am UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]likeatree, 2012-02-07 02:13 pm UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]cookielover, 2012-02-08 05:19 pm UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]likeatree, 2012-02-08 07:56 pm UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]girlnextdoor, 2012-02-09 03:21 am UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]likeatree, 2012-02-09 03:27 am UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]girlnextdoor, 2012-02-09 04:08 am UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]likeatree, 2012-02-10 05:49 pm UTC
Re: ASHED - GETTING A ROOM - PROLLY GONNA BE R >.> - [info]girlnextdoor, 2012-02-12 03:07 pm UTC

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