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Snow White ([info]fairestofall) wrote in [info]theblackforest,
@ 2011-01-15 18:37:00

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Entry tags:rose red, snow white

Who: Snow, open to anyone in the castle
Where: The Piper's Castle
When: Just after dinner
Warnings: None as yet

Snow enjoyed living in Piper's castle. It was like her life before, except that she didn't have any of that walking baggage following her around the castle. After dinner in the evenings she walked around inner courtyard, enjoying the fresh air and the lovely garden.

She'd taken the liberty of "trimming" all of the red roses, replacing them with polar white blooms. It had been a beautiful garden before her tampering, now it was tolerable enough for her to linger here.

She picked a low bench by a deep fountain filled with Koi fish and water lilies. The water flowed from a high spout, trickling over steps down to the large basin. It was soothing here, relaxing when so little else in her life had been.

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2011-01-16 12:46 am UTC (link)
Rose was livid and she was going to let someone know about it. Someone had to take care of the problem. "Stupid trolls, traipsing through my garden and crushing everything," she muttered to herself as she marched from her home in the woods to the palace, a single determination on her mind.

There was a slight problem. She could navigate any forest or wooded patch she came across, navigating a palace... that was a different story. She was dreadfully lost the second she entered the gates and somehow ended up back outside in the garden. "Shit," she mumbled to herself as she tried to make it through the garden. She stumbled blindly forward until she saw the back of a dark haired woman sitting by the fountain.

"Oh, hello, I'm completely lost and I need to talk to someone about this wretched trolls, you know where I would find someone for that?"

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2011-01-16 01:27 am UTC (link)
Except that the baggage had somehow found a way to interrupt her peaceful, quiet oasis.

Snow White would recognize the voice of her sister anywhere.

She turned slowly and offered her sisterly an elegantly vicious smile. "Darling, why complain about your ex-boyfriends in a public forum?"

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2011-01-16 01:54 am UTC (link)
Shiiiiiiiiiit. Rose Red's face fell and her eyes went wide. Her whole body went cold. "Snow?" she asked incredulously. "How did you... when did... what..." she couldn't even form a whole sentence. She didn't even know when the last time she saw her sister was, she had prescribed herself to a lifetime without her sister. And here she was, standing in front of her and elegantly telling her off. Rose's jaw dropped.

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2011-01-16 02:07 am UTC (link)
"A while," Snow replied as the smile disappeared from her face. "I followed the song." She smirked at her sister. "Dare I ask how long you've been tramping through the forest?"

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2011-01-16 02:19 am UTC (link)
It stung but she deserved it and she knew it. "I've been here since I left home," she said quietly, shifting her feet. "I followed the song too."

A piece of her was glad that Snow had gotten out too, no one needed to be told what to do. They had been brought up and groomed to be perfect little wives and mothers, and they would never learn how to be themselves without leaving. Of course Rose could have told her sister this before she left but she didn't, she just went ahead and destroyed her marriage. "Do... do you like it here?"

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2011-01-16 02:42 am UTC (link)
"I liked it much better before I knew you were here." Snow crossed her arms over her chest, a protective gesture. The emotional backlash of having Rose here was too much to digest immediately. "Do me a favor and stay away from the castle."

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2011-01-16 02:54 am UTC (link)
Rose bit her bottom lip and nodded. "Of course," she looked around. "I fuckin' hate these places anyways," she said with a forced laugh.

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2011-01-16 02:56 am UTC (link)
She had little else to say to her sister. "Then I'll be off." She moved toward the exit leaving the quiet inner courtyard back into the main hallway of the castle.

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2011-01-16 02:58 am UTC (link)
"Okay," she said simply as she watched her sister leave.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck," Rose clapped her hands over her head and closed her eyes. She was still lost and her sister was here. Two things she never thought would happen. A bad day had turned into an absolute nightmare.

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