Application Post
So, you want to apply to
marvel_nextgen? Great!
A few things first.
Alternate Universe and Time displaced kids are welcome. As are totally original characters. Not every mutant or Avenger is going to have parents that were mutants or Avengers. So feel free to use your imagination!
While we gladly accept applications for X-Men and Avengers, we encourage applications for Eternals, Defenders, Inhumans, Asgardians, and other characters off the beaten path.
We also welcome Canon kids. IE Franklin Richards, Luna Maximoff and older versions of any super kid. Like say, Power Pack, Valeria Richards, Kevin Masterson, Ahura Boltagon and the like. Also adult versions of any Canon Teenagers are welcome. As are canon characters and villains in their adult incarnations. (Ie: Julian Keller, Kate Bishop, Tommy Shepherd, Billy Kaplan, Nico Minoru...)
We're taking advantage of the wonderful sliding timeline policy of Marvel, so if your character's birth date/age doesn't quite work out, it can easily be modified.
Please give us at least 24 hours to look at your application. We will email you when the app is approved. Once it's accepted, you can jump right in. If we have any problems or questions with any applications we'll contact you for clarification.
In some situations a sample with another player may be required.
The game focuses on the next generation of heroes and the kids are the ones out being the superheroes. The adults for the most part are starting to retire and passing the torch to the kids, so if you are looking to play an adult, be advised that in this game they are mostly support roles and plot devices.
The process:
The first step is to fill out an application.(Please check with the team admin to see if there is room on the team you want to join)
Your application will be reviewed by the mods.
In the case that you are applying for a character on a team, the application will be reviewed by the team members.
If your character is related to another character in the game, the relatives will also get to review the app.
A mod will notify you if it has been accepted, declined or if more information is needed.
The mods may ask you to clarify certain things (concept, powers, purpose) in your app. This is nothing personal, it is just the mods and team members trying to better understand the app.
Some basic rules:
1. If you are apping a sibling/parent of a character in the game, the player(s) of those characters get approval/veto rights on the app. We require you to discuss the character idea with the other players before apping the character you want to play. If you don't know who is playing a certain character please ask a mod. The list of characters and their relatives is here
2. If you are apping a cousin or other distant relative to a character/characters already in game, the player(s) of the character gets to review the app and provide feedback.
If you can't contact a player, feel free to contact the mods and we'll answer any questions you have!
3. Please do not give names, gender or ages to siblings of canon-pairing characters. This is to allow greater flexibility for people interested in picking up a sibling or parent. A vague reference like "Character X has three other siblings." is fine.
It is okay to give names, gender and ages to siblings of characters who have non-canon parents.
4. Apping Characters just to "hook up with someone" - Please do it somewhere else. This is a game for people who are interested in more than just hooking their character up with another character. While it is natural for characters to start dating and otherwise participate in physical relationships, it should not be the main purpose of the character and it is not the main focus of the game.
We accept applications for heroes, villains, parents and other adults.
We will accept applications for Original NPCs (Next generation of - Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Masters of Evil, Serpent Societly, MLF, etc) seen here.
Xavier's is not publicly known as a place for mutants. There is an underground in place to direct mutants to Xavier's.
Avengers are listed in the phone book and publicly known. Characters can directly contact them.
List of used PBs
NextGen Application (Canon and OC)
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ:
AIM (if you have one):
Character Name:
Character LJ (if applicable):
Physical description (face, build, weight):
PB: (If using one.)
Weaknesses and flaws:
Character location/Home:
Alignment (villain, hero etc):
Relatives (living/dead?):
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?:
What are you planning to do with this character?
What do you want to see happen with this character?:
Sample post:
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