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metempsychosis - ooc community



March 1st, 2011

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♔ Unescappable Fate
Hello, hello.
I'm actually in the middle of moving to another city so it's a crap ass time for me to join a community but I've gotten this muse stuck in my brain so I went on a frantic search that brought me here. I promise I'll do my best to be active. However, conveniently, it's in character to be kind of quiet! lol.

Anyways, I bring forth Shibo Mieru who has the Great King Yama shoved inside of him. Yama's from a whole bunch of different myths, legends, and religions but I chose to have him from the Buddhist side. I could go on in to the theories of open-door religion but I wont. Shibo doesn't know he has a Death God inside of him anyways.

Feel free to have your deities notice him, though!

His application is here.
My contact is on AIM: Jinshinbaibai
Although AiM likes kicking me off without telling me.

I can be contacted through email and MSN too:

I've made a contact post here
And I have an in game contact post here.

Something I forgot to mention in the app, bad on me, is the languages he speaks. His family was Japanese, clearly. He speaks Japanese and English fluently. He lives with an Indian "witch" she calls herself so he also knows a fair amount of Hindi and Urdu.

Also, counter to how he might look, he's fairly calm. Not an embodiment of evil or anything like that although he's very aloof and otherwordly seeming as someone else mentioned it. A good character has an wealthy personality though, right? He does favore Tequila so he can't be all that bad.

And that's a chicken wrap.
I look forward to being awesome and awkward with you all.


March 2nd, 2011

New Player Intro

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Hi there, everyone. I'm Tirc, am new to the game, and am bringing Vincent (Ares, Greek god of war) to the field. Vincent (his mortal host) knows that he's housing Ares, but still has reign over the domineering god. Most of the time, at least.

My contact info (AIM and junk) can be found in my app post here. My aim is petades024 Can't wait to scene with you guys and get to know you all!

March 1st, 2011

Er, my turn...

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Work has been running me ragged such that I've pretty much been getting home, decompressing a bit, taking care of the pets, and going to bed. Weekends, too (though that's a volunteer gig).

Anyway, that means I've let other things slip and I'm sorry for that!

That said, things have let up and I'm back (in black?) and ready to roll.

Oh, and you all should be receiving an email from me soon. :)

February 13th, 2011

quick apology!

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Sorry about flaking out! I let my brother borrow the computer for a few hours and it crashed. I couldn't immediately afford to take it in to fix it up and unfortunately, I don't have a back-up. Then we got snowed-in and we've spent the last week looking for a new car because ours... gets stuck. Basically, my bank account is now on empty.

That being said, I'm back and if anyone would like to do anything, I'm around! (:

- Mari.

February 7th, 2011


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simple things
So, I kinda disappeared for a week or so. -_- I'm sorry. I was feeling really sick about a week ago, and this last week was just in a really weird funk while trying to get back in the saddle. Sooo sorry. -_-

Forgive me?

January 31st, 2011

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Guuuuys I got a new laptoooop. Weeee. So threading?? I know I have one going for Helios and Euph, but Hades wants to play with someone as does Dodola? Just tryin' to liven up the place haha.

January 27th, 2011

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Headache embarassed
hey guys my power cord, despite being new, is acting weird. so if I'm not on for a couple days its because it failed me and I gotta get a new one. just fyi

January 26th, 2011

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Greetings all! My name is Ash, and I have just joined with the lovely Harper Persaud aka Persephone. She's a Medical Resident at a yet to be named teaching hospital. (I'll get around to googling them soon, I promise. I'm sure Georgetown has some associated program or something... we'll see) She is blissfully unaware that she's harboring the past life of a deity in her subconscious, and she does not want to be shown the light. She's perfectly content being a (slightly morbid) human...even if a lot of her personality is really just Persephone's leaking through. When she does come around not a lot will change for her other than being really unhappy that she's got to deal more directly with her godly peers again. ha. So if anyone wants to plot or thread or what not, let me know!

January 25th, 2011

Holds, redux

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Okay, giving the this hold thing a try, again. Here's how it works:

To make a hold, you are required to list your character's name, their deity (if applicable), your desired PB, and fill out, at minimum the character appearance section as well as one more section of your choice. Holds will be made for one week and you may be granted a single one-week extension. When making a hold (on the application page) please make sure the subject line of your comment says HOLD.

Tell your friends!


following the croooooowd

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I haven't actually done an "official" intro post, so I suppose I ought to rectify that.


This is Diana. She is also Loki, but does not realize this and I do not anticipate she will any time soon, not really. Anyone who suggests she's anything more than your everyday sort of human will likely get a quizzical look and/or extreme amounts of denial. That said, Loki's already beginning to make his presence known, mostly by invading her sleep with dreams of that time when he was tortured (okay, there were several. I mostly mean the whole "tied to rocks in a cave with a snake dripping poison on his face" one).

I also play David ([info]dark_charisma) who is also quite in denial about what he is. He knows he can do some crazy stuff (uh, transforming into a bird) but he doesn't go around telling people that and is pretty sure the ability makes him insane, or a freak, or both. His father is aware (though he doesn't know this) of what David is, generally, because David's grandfather was also Raven. It makes for interesting family dynamics, though David would have daddy issues regardless since Jonah's a calculating, manipulative bastard.

And then there's Seth ([info]vermiliondesert) who is extremely aware of who he once was, to the point where Seth is Set is Seth is Set. They're integrated so closely to one another, there isn't much of a dividing line. Or you might say that Seth the mortal's pyschosis is that he believes he is the ancient god Set and Set goes along with it. Along with all of Seth's other sociopathic tendances. He Is Not A Nice Man.

And finally, there's Derek ([info]navy_lifer) who's currently a college student at GWU. Also: vanilla mortal. Also, totally chomping at the bit to go join the Navy but going to college to please his parents. And of course he's doing ROTC. He's a pretty good guy, just so long as you don't get on his bad side (luckily, that's hard to do).

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Refresh me
Yo, Scout here with my third baby. This is Helios aka Samson. He knows who he is and loooves it. He runs a tanning salon called.. haha The Sun, where a lot of people go for salon treatments, tanning, and gossip. He has a sister.. well okay, Samson has a sister and I usually have it where she is also Eos but I wanted to see if anyone wanted to pick her up and play her as such? I had her named Zora and then she and Samson both early on figured out who they were and sort of fell into a pattern of her consistently waking up every morning no matter what and then he followed her out to d.c. because he really hates being separated from her.

Also, he is dying to find Selene because as of back in the day he never got to see her so much since they were mostly opposites in their job duties and now he knows he can probably be there for her and with her now that they are in these mortal bodies.

Plotting? That is whats up, aim: icethesun.

Seaon's greetings- whatever those might be.

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simple things
Heeeelllo, sorry. I'm chronically late for things like this. I'm EJ, and I play two people here at the moment- Jack Donovan ([info]jackotrades), a flirty single parent with a great knack for business. I also have Akana Bahr ([info]egyptian_eyes) who is the wife of an Ambassador, and has more political agenda than five senators combined.

Both will be out and about! And hopefully I'll have a third to add to them soon enough. Jack's brother, Tucker.


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Is not having holds that big of a problem? I've had several folks comment on it (and it's strange to me, personally, but I tend to whip out applications in one sitting).

January 24th, 2011

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Hello! My name's Mari and my AIM is candyfloss branch.I've brought in one of the Greek Charites, Euphrosyne. She's the Goddess of Mirth and the incarnation of Beauty and Grace. Her name's Magnolia Landis and she's a 37 year old party planner. Further information can be found here.

While here, a request, if I might? I'd love to see some older characters, particularly a Dionysus/Bacchus (with the face of Bruce Campbell, maybe?) for her to chillax with. Or... anyone, really.

January 22nd, 2011

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Anyone out there??

Anyone want to thread with Hades?

January 21st, 2011

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Heya again, Scout here with my second. Couldn't get him off my brain! This is Hayden, also housing Hades. He's kind of a social misfit, very awkward and introverted at times. He is currently at GWU studying geology and hopes to work for the smithsonian mineral science department someday. He is aware of Hades and very much frustrated by it because Hades allows him to see the dead... and Hayden is a scaredy cat. BIG TIME.

He absolutely hates scary movies, scary places, the dark under his bed, open water, ect. ect. He should be pretty fun to play so any plots or thoughts hit me up: icethesun on aim or comment here!

A persephone would be nice, just sayin' :)

January 20th, 2011

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Yo yo yooo. I'm Scout, bringing in the lovely Dodola, Slavic Rain and Spring Goddess. She's a farm girl hippie type and completely open for any and all plots! I'm on aim at icethesun so hit me up!

January 11th, 2011

Suggestion Box

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Is there anything you think is missing that you wish I had posted?

Would a list of character-owned locations help? I just realized I hadn't created one. :) Nevermind, I went ahead and started one.

Is there something that doesn't make sense or you would like to see fleshed out more?

Let me know here!

Comments here are NOT screened. If, for some reason, you'd like to make a private remark, you can post it here.

Notes on Tagging

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The method to my madness when it comes to tagging is pretty simple:

There should be a tag for every character's name. Every post that contains play from a given character should be tagged with that character's name (you can do this yourself, if you like. And, in fact, that is encouraged!)

The tag "!open post" is also one I encourage using. Basically, if you create a post and don't specify only a particular character set to respond to you, that's an open post. Hopefully, it will create an easy place for players to reference currently active posts that they can tag into.

The tag "!closed post" is meant for open posts that no longer are. Either a great deal of time has passed since they were created, or threading happened and was wrapped up and the player who created the post doesn't wish anyone else to tag in. (if you add this tag to a post, you should remove the "open post" tag)

The tag "!locked post" is meant for posts locked to a certain set of characters. Once the thread is done, it would be nice if the "closed post" tag is added, just to make it clear that the thread is finished.

The tag "!mod post" is for any posts I happen to make out of character over there. I doubt this one will get used much as I'd prefer to put my various notifications here in this community.

The tag "!logs" is for use with any posted IM logs (basically, if it's not a thread, it's probably a log). This should be used sparingly as I encourage players to create posts for spontaneous interaction.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions?

January 7th, 2011


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Added some more information to the further details page to hopefully flesh out a couple of things a bit. If you've got any more questions on what your character can and can't do (ability-wise), feel free to ask. I admit, I might say the answer is, "that depends!".
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