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Asleif Thorsdottir ([info]godlierthanthou) wrote in [info]marvel_nextgen,
@ 2012-06-03 23:13:00

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Entry tags:aridis, asleif, cosmopolitan, kael, svalin

When the need for the Defenders to remain on Earth by obligation had been lifted, Aslief had quietly slipped away from Midgard.  Oh, certainly, she had left the small mortal a way in which to contact her if there was true need (and occasionally less so, to which she proved quite capable of fielding small child small talk), and she also returned from time to time to court with Vincent.  Though that relationship was on a brief hiatus, as she had uncovered volumes of history and spellwork which required her undivided attention.  She would see him again soon enough, in the grand scheme of things.

Her own spellwork had improved, in the intervening time.  Such as layering her rooms in Asgard over the room kept for her in Midgard.  She could cross the space between worlds simply by crossing the threshold.  And she had done this, of course, without telling anyone.

And frankly... she could use the change of scenery.  The Golden Realm was quite grand, in its way, and Midgard was noisy, dirty, smelly, and fool of unimaginative, brief, fools.  But she was also quite tired of the contempt mixed with fear mixed with suspicion.  Time and time again, she had given of herself to defend the realm, and time and time again, she received not half the praise or thanks her siblings did.  T'was assumed she acted simply because she lived there as well.

The blood of giants flowed through her veins.  The blood of Thor, and the blood of Loki.  She denied no aspect of who she was, and walked that thin path between light and dark, good and evil.  On the edge, where only the bravest ventured if they did not wish to crack.  And all she received was scorn.  Even the fates pondered just whose side she would be on, when backs were pressed against the wall.  Even her patient had limits.

So Midgard it was.

And in this case, Midgard was the breakfast table.  Breakfast was a grapefruit.  She was but who she was.

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2012-06-04 12:35 am UTC (link)
A flying Solver entered the kitchen and was followed by one of his mothers, in this case Svalin. Svalin had seen to Solver this morning allowing her wife to sleep in a bit. Vernique deserved it.

Svalin almost stopped in her tracks. "Asleif?"

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2012-06-04 12:50 am UTC (link)
The corners of her mouth twitched upward, in mischief almost.


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2012-06-04 12:55 am UTC (link)
Svalin smiled. "Well met! It ist good to see thee again, sister." Svalin didn't hug her because they were both not the hugging type. "How fares thee? What brings thee back to Migard?"

Svalin managed to grab Solver as he did a flyby. She held him firmly to keep him from flying off again.

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2012-06-04 01:01 am UTC (link)
"Boredom," she told her sister. "Like it or not, life is far more interesting with thee than without."

That was probably about as close to "I missed you" as anyone was going to get.

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2012-06-04 01:08 am UTC (link)
Svalin took it as what it was. One didn't expect much emotion or sentiment from Asleif. It was just the way she was.

"I hath missed thee as well, sister," Svalin smirked. "Wilt thou be staying then?"

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2012-06-04 08:43 pm UTC (link)
"For a time, at least," she said. "Thou know I bore so easily."

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2012-06-04 08:52 pm UTC (link)
"Aye. Things doth not remain quiet around here for long. Where hath thou been in thine travels?"

Svalin grabbed an orange from the bowl of fruit and the box of Cheerios. She sat down with Solver on her lap and gave him some Cheerios to keep him busy while she peeled the orange.

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2012-06-04 09:00 pm UTC (link)
"The far corners of the Realm," she told her sister. "Studying this or that, occasionally staying long enough in forgotten libraries. And back to Midgard, on occasion. For all its faults, I wilt confess a weakness for its breadth of foods."

She regarded the boy with an odd mix of curiosity and bewilderment. "He hath grown much."

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2012-06-04 09:15 pm UTC (link)
"Aye, the food here ist most varied and good." Svalin smiled and dropped a kiss on the top of Solver's head. Normally she'd ask if a person wanted to hold Solver, but this was Asleif. "Aye. He doth love flying and it doth make things challenging."

Solver of course was busy stuffing Cheerios in his mouth.

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2012-06-04 10:27 pm UTC (link)
Never would she have thought she would find such gentleness in her sister. The universe did yet hold surprises.

"I wouldst imagine."

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2012-06-04 10:30 pm UTC (link)
"Thou knowest I doth love a challenge," Svalin said as she handed a half an orange slice to her son. "How fares Vincent? Art thou still seeing him?"

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2012-06-04 10:35 pm UTC (link)
"We are... taking a break, as the mortals say," Aslief told her. "My studies required concentration that a relationship couldst not sustain."

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2012-06-04 10:54 pm UTC (link)
Svalin nodded. "It ist understandable. Sometimes situation doth not permit time with one that one cares about." Svalin hadn't seen Rory in awhile. His work kept him away and busy. She still thought about him though.

"Mayhap now that thou'rt on Migard thou wilt see him again."

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2012-06-04 10:59 pm UTC (link)
"Tis my intention, ere long," she replied.

"And our siblings? I wouldst assume they are well?"

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2012-06-04 11:05 pm UTC (link)
"Good," she said and handed Solver another orange slice. "They art well. I expect them to come for breakfast anytime."

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2012-06-04 11:27 pm UTC (link)
She nodded. "Sleeping the day away. I art not surprised."

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2012-06-04 11:40 pm UTC (link)
"Aye. They art more night people than day," Svalin said. Her brother and her twin had active social lives that kept them up well into the night.

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2012-06-04 11:46 pm UTC (link)
A small laugh. "We always were up earlier than they."

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2012-06-04 11:48 pm UTC (link)
"Aye," she said. "We wert more dedicated to our studies. Mine son doth love the sun and ist awake when it doth come up."

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2012-06-05 12:24 am UTC (link)
"The sun," Asleif mused. "Accursed bauble. Would that I could hang the clouds before it always."

Her lips twitched. "Ah, yes. But that wouldst be wrong."

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2012-06-05 12:53 am UTC (link)
"He doth seem to draw strength and energy from the sun," Salin said. "I doth believe it ist something he gets from his father."

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2012-06-05 12:57 am UTC (link)
It was then Kael chose to enter the room, a rather large glass of one in hand. "Pardon Lady Sva.." he raised an eyebrow at Asleif, noting her garments. "The fourth child of Thor I presume. Lady Asleif?"

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2012-06-05 01:04 am UTC (link)
And Aridis joins them from a different direction. She pauses and then brightens much like the sun. "Aslief. It ist good to see thee, sister."

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2012-06-05 08:31 pm UTC (link)
"Tis I," she told the Elf. "And you wouldst be whom, exactly?"

She nodded politely to Aridis. "Well met, sister."

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2012-06-05 09:17 pm UTC (link)
"Kael, son of Alhyse, Prince of Svartalfheim," he answered as he was accustomed to to by Darl Elven Court.

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2012-06-05 11:36 pm UTC (link)
"Father hath said that he ist to stay with us for awhile," Svalin explained.

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2012-06-05 11:54 pm UTC (link)
Zoey had just enough time to go grab a quick breakfast before she had to leave for school. She heard voices and hurried to the kitchen to see who was in there.

She stopped in the doorway.

"EEEEEEEEEEEE!" she squealed. "ASLEIF!" Zoey ran to the Asgardian and threw her arms around Asleif in a very tight hug.

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2012-06-06 10:32 pm UTC (link)
Ngh. Touching.

She put one arm around Zoey, gently patting her back. "Hello, little one. Thou hast missed me?"

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2012-06-06 11:45 pm UTC (link)
"I did! I'm so glad you're back!"

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2012-06-08 12:00 am UTC (link)
"I hath missed thee as well," she told Zoey, briefly shooting a glance at Svalin and Aridis that suggested that if they ever told anyone she had said that, it would be very unpleasant for them.

"But now I art here again."

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2012-06-08 05:18 pm UTC (link)
Svalin just smirked and focused on keeping Solver supplied with oranges and Cheerios.

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2012-06-08 07:49 pm UTC (link)
Aridis smirks in a manner very similar to her sister.

"None shalt hear it from us."

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2012-06-09 10:46 pm UTC (link)
"Good morning, everyone," Vernique says with a slight yawn as she comes in. "Solver doing okay, hon? Aslief. Hi. Well met and stuff."

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2012-06-09 10:54 pm UTC (link)
Kael just leans against the wall, seemingly nonplussed at Zoey's outbursts. He was starting to feel out of place. "Well I'll leave you all to your reunion, Ladies." He gives a slight bow before making his way out. He gives a brief nod to Vernique before leaving.

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2012-06-09 11:34 pm UTC (link)
"Thou doth not have to go, Kael. Please stay and eat," Svalin said. "He ist fine," Svalin told her wife. "Hungrier than norm."

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