Out and About
It was, technically, rather late. And this part of town, somewhere in one of the NYC's Japanese neighborhoods, was not necessarily the safest in the after midnight hours of the night. Not that Rose Logan was particularly worried. Though only five feet tall and of a deceptive enough build, she was by far one of the most dangerous things there.
Besides, she had a friend with her with telepathic and diamond-form powers. Between the two of them, there pretty much wasn't anything they couldn't handle. And the stuff that they couldn't, well, nothing to be ashamed of, because that meant they'd crossed over to end of the world level threats.
As it was, Rose couldn't pass up on a Kurosawa film festival. A little theater had been showing Rashomon, The Seven Samurai, and the Hidden Fortress. Original Japanese with subtitles. Pretty close to perfect.
"So, Frosty," Rose asked, "whatcha think?"
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