Black Forest OOC
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24th-Jan-2011 05:18 pm - So...uh...
...are things going to pick up? I'm getting kinda twitchy obsessively checking to see if anyone new has posted to the game. =P
14th-Jan-2011 04:37 pm - introduction!
fox: curious
Hi there pickles! I am Sass, and I join you with Giovannuzza, my take on an Italian folk tale.

Gia is a fox who can take on human form should the fancy strike her, however she tends to favour her original body and only ever eats or sleeps when furry. She is very distrustful of mankind (especially the menfolk) as a result of a painful betrayal she recently suffered from a man she considered her family. I've given her the, uh... honour? Of being a bar wench at Witches' Cove in Handel's Tears. Albert lets her scowl at people and probably wouldn't mind if she robbed them as well.

She will occasionally skulk about, spying on happy families with great envy and might be found from time to time rolling on a warm patch of grass in the fields on a sunny day. As a human, she's probably leaning against a wall in an alley, side-eyeing you and thinking about taking your valuables. She identifies as 'good' though. It's you human lot that are bad.
12th-Jan-2011 01:53 am - Introduction!
HEYO! Becky here with my first kiddo, Rose Red who is an amalgamation of Rose Red from the story of Snow White and Rose Red and the comic book Fables. (I have two in the works right now who will hopefully be making an appearance soon). So... Rose Red hates royal life, she lives in the woods by herself, she's undecided whether or not she's good or bad. She's spunky, adventurous, and reckless. She has burned almost every bridge in her past and has no intention of ever being tied down by anyone. Her bio is here!

I look forward to playing with you all! <333
11th-Jan-2011 03:41 pm - Intro!
Thoughtfully staring
First off- Hello! Welcome to Black Forest. I am EJ, and one of the two mods running this crazy joint. (Okay, so all of you know me, but just go with it. XD )

Currently, aside from the NPCs that I will run from time to time, I have one character. His name is Victor Fox ([info]therobbergroom). He is the resident villain, and somewhat creepy guy that everyone in the village is a bit wary of. He just has that look about him that screams something untrustworthy. On top of that, he likes to hang about the younger women in the village and takes to long walks over to Handel's Tears. For the most part, he's just your average bad guy. Sort of. He is from the Robber Bridegroom story, and if you aren't familiar with it? I have a link to the story in his profile.

Anyway! Hi again! I'm ready for plotting and all sorts of crazy things. Feel free to hit me up on IM or here. :)
11th-Jan-2011 02:50 pm - Intro
Pretty smile
Figured I should introduce myself. I'm Carol and at present I play two characters here.

First up is Puss in Boots ([info]themarquis). Up front he's a friendly congenial cat. Sometimes he pretends to be a cat, sometimes he'll introduce himself right away. What you don't know about Puss is that he's an ancient shapeshifter. He can shift his form by consuming blood, or at his master's whim. At present he is master-less.

Second up is Snow White ([info]fairestofall). She's a little bit Snow White and Rose Red, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Snow White from Fables. In this incarnation she's been failed by the people she loves and has turned a bit evil. You wouldn't know it though, as she's sweet and kind on the surface, playing the nice girl while she plots her revenge.

I look forward to whacky plots and adventures!
19th-Dec-2010 01:28 am - Game Opening
As of right now, we will begin taking holds. Applications can be submitted on Jan. 3rd. [info]theblackforest opens on Jan. 8th.

We look forward to seeing everyone!
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